Checking In!

Hey guys! Just checking in with everyone.

You’ve probably noticed that my last several posts have all been works of poetry instead of my usual ramblings. This is simply because I’m just really tuned into that kind of creative energy right now for some reason and I feel like taking advantage of it.

There’s also the fact that I’ve been feeling very distracted lately so it’s hard to put my focus on any one thing for too long. With poetry, it always comes to me very quickly and requires very little tweaking, so it’s just: Bing! Bang! Boom! Done!

So, my whole point is that you’ll probably be seeing mostly poetry for the next little bit and little else… Well, maybe the odd different thing here and there – who knows? But hey, this blog is titled Random Deviations, so randomness is what you signed up for!

I’ve also got more poetry on my Instagram page that hasn’t been showcased here, if you’re interested!

Hopefully everyone is well and taking good care of themselves amid all the quarantine craziness! Ta ta for now!

Posted in blogging, inspirational, Musings, Random, Writing

And… She’s Back!

It’s been eight years since my last blog post. Just let it sink in for a moment and think about that. It was 2012 and times were much simpler. Much, much simpler in fact, what with all the craziness that is the Covid-19 pandemic assaulting the world at the moment. I was also much younger and a very different person in those days. At least I’d like to think so. I’d like to think that I’ve grown both as a person and as a writer during the intervening years. I really do hope the latter is true most of all, because looking back at my past entries, I find myself… cringing somewhat?

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